Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hero Week 14

This week in class, you presented your Hero Projects.

Thank you to those of you who brought your completed projects and displayed/presented them to us. It is so worth your time and effort to complete this assignment!

I hope that Benjamin and Adam will bring theirs to show us next week in completed form.  :-)

Matthew and Archie, doing this project is GOOD for your character, regardless of dog tags awarded. Please do it on your own time, so you can keep it and refer to it for inspiration throughout your lives!

General Schmieder also prepared an activity for us to help us remember the fallen of the Holocaust. No matter how much we read about and study this event, it still hurts us at the core to realize the humiliating, debasing and shameful treatment so many received at the hands of mad men in the Nazi regime. It is so important to remember this people's experience, so that we can maintain our love and respect for ALL mankind, regardless of any differences we might have.

Looking forward to next week with all of you at the end of year class party at General Walk's, Thursday, 10 am.

Please remember to bring a snack to share, and your completed project to present (Benjamin and Adam).


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hero Week 13

Hello heroes!

Class was great last week!

We did a debrief of our Nuremberg Trial simulation, we had an amazing guest speaker, Adam's grandfather, and we learned what set the Hero Generation apart from others.

How do you think your generation is similar to and different from the Hero Generation of WWII?

Remember, this Thursday, MAY 5th  we have our Hero Project Presentations.

Please come PREPARED to share your projects! We are so excited to see the final products of what you have all labored so diligently on, and to celebrate with all of you!

See you Thursday...

Your Generals